We''ve decked out our bestselling bouquet for the holidays! Inspired by the beautiful flowers you’d find at a bustling European flower market this time of year, this traditional arrangement is hand-designed in a glass gathering vase by our expert florists using the freshest red roses, white lilies, alstroemeria, mini carnations and fragrant assorted greens. Wrapped up with a bright red ribbon, it’s a gift that delivers your warmest wishes for a smile-filled season.
Fresh and festive arrangement of red roses, white lilies, alstroemeria, mini carnations, hypericum and mixed Christmas greens
Hand-designed by our florists in a stylish clear glass gathering vase tied with satin red ribbon; vase measures 8.25"H
Large arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 14"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 13"L
Small arrangement does not include lilies or hypericum and measures approximately 15"H x 12"L
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
Lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty over the next 2-3 days
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